New Affiliate Partner Registration
Generous commissions for referring others
A dream of a side hustle, all done for you.
Earn up to R300 for every “Power Station” that is sold to ‘your’ referrals. & more.
Our affiliate management system creates a gift card coupon and a weblink for you to post everywhere, send to friends, family and colleagues. When someone visits Your link, or uses Your gift card, we store a cookie which will assign you as the referring affiliate for that prospective buyer. Cookie life is an extremely generous 6 months assigned to FIRST referrer. This means, the first person to refer this buying prospect gets the sale assigned. If 3 people refer the same person within 6 months, the sale is awarded tot he first affiliate who referred the buyer. So there’s motive to “get busy”.
This program was started specifically to helping stay-at-home and single-moms to earn a bit of extra income with a super hot quality product, which helps them feed kids, pay for school, meds, nappies etc.
But the program is open to anyone. We have ONE Major Critical Rule. NEVER EVER SPAM EMAIL.
Spamming email will result in our entire server being shut down and it will force us to stop this very important program to help moms and their kids. Complete the form below to apply for an affiliate account.
Apply to join our affiliate partner program.
Completing the application will confirm that you have agreed to our affiliate terms and conditions.
The affiliate terms page opens in new window. Just close it when read to return here.
You will be asked for a preferred coupon code. This will be a code entered by the buyer to claim their gift-card (coupon) which YOU shared with the person. Think about a code you want. We recommend something like your name and a number, like: “janetb1”
Your chosen preferred coupon code is NOT A PASSWORD. Its what you give to people.